School Supply List
6 glue sticks
6 boxes, 24 count, Crayola Crayons
24 yellow, pre-sharpened, #2 pencils
1 pair Fiskars scissors, blunt tip, large handle
2 White ½ inch, 3 D-Ring Binder (with pockets and clear view cover)
1 plastic pencil box
1 Mead Early Learning Primary Journal (K-2, ½ page picture space, ½ page lined for writing)
1 large, clear windowed, pencil pouch with binder holes
1 pair headphone, volume control (NO earbuds)
2 large, black, EXPO dry erase marker
First Grade
1 pair headphone, volume control (NO earbuds)
2 1” D-Ring Binder With Plastic Clear Cover
1 Composition Book (Wide Ruled)
1 Primary Writing Journal
48 Yellow, Pre-sharpened, #2 Pencils
6 Boxes, 24 Count, Crayola Crayons
1 Large, Clear Windowed , Pencil Pouch W/Binder Holes
2 Plastic Folders, W/Prongs and Pockets (1 RED, 1 BLUE )
1 Pair Fiskars Scissors, Blunt Tip, Large Handle
2 Yellow Highlighters
Second Grade
1 pair headphone, volume control (NO earbuds)
48 Yellow, Pre-sharpened, #2 Pencils
4 Pack Assorted Colors, Highlighters
1 Pair Fiskars Scissors, Blunt Tip, Large Handle
8 Chiseled Tip, Black, EXPO Dry Erase Markers
4 Boxes, 24 Count Crayola Crayons
8 Washable Glue Sticks
1 5x8 Plastic Pencil Box
1 Black Marbled, Wide Ruled Composition Book
1 Wide Ruled, One Subject Spiral Notebook
3 Plastic Folders, W/Prongs and Pockets (1 RED, 1 BLUE, 1 YELLOW )
1 1” 3 D-Ring Binder With Plastic Clear Cover
1 Large Pink Eraser
1 ream copy paper
Third Grade
48 Yellow Pre-sharpened #2 Pencils
4 Boxes 24 ct.t Crayola Crayons
1 Box 12 ct. Crayola Colored Pencils
8 Washable Glue Sticks
2 Composition Books
1 pair Fiskar Scissors
1 Large, Clear Windowed , Pencil Pouch W/Binder Holes
1 1” D-Ring Binder With Plastic Clear Cover
2 pair headphone, volume control (NO earbuds)
3 Plastic Folders With Prongs & Pockets (1 Red, 1Green, 1 Blue)
4 Pads 3x3 Sticky Notes
12 Black Expo Markers
2 Fluorescent Yellow Highlighters
Fourth Grade
2 packs 24 count crayons
48 Yellow Pre-sharpened #2 Pencils
1 pack of cap erasers
1 Pair Fiskars Scissors
2 packs wide ruled notebook paper
4 washable glue sticks
1 Pair Headphones, S-Jack, Volume Control (NO earbuds)
4 poly folders with pockets & prongs (any color)
2 composition notebooks (any color)
1 zipper pencil pouch
1 pack highlighters (any colors)
12 chiseled tip BLACK Expo markers
1 ream copy paper
1 1” D-ring binder
Fifth Grade
1 box crayons or colored pencils
1 package wide ruled notebook paper
2 red marking pens
2 yellow highlighters
1 pair earbuds (to be used with Chromebooks)
1 Large, Clear Windowed , Pencil Pouch W/Binder Holes
8 large BLACK ONLY dry erase markers
1 pair scissors
24 Yellow Pre-sharpened #2 Pencils
2 Glue Sticks
4 One Subject Wide Ruled Spiral Notebooks
(1 Red, 1 Yellow, 1 Black, 1 Green)
4 plastic folders with prongs & pockets (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 black, 1 green)
Sixth Grade
Earbuds to be used with Chromebooks
#2 pencils as needed
Colored pencils
Pencil pouch (no boxes)
White wide-ruled notebook paper
Thin, black EXPO dry erase markers
Notebook paper hole reinforcements
1 2”, D-Ring binder
5 ct. poly dividers with tabs and pockets
Glue sticks as needed
5 different colored highlighters
Mrs.Callaway’s Class
24 Yellow Pre-sharpened #2 Pencils
2 boxes, 24 Count Crayola Crayons
1 box of colored pencils
3 Large glue sticks
1 pkg wide-ruled filler paper
1 pair Fiskars, blunt tip scissors
4, black dry erase markers
2 dry erase erasers
1 rectangle eraser
2 wide ruled spiral notebooks
1 half inch, white binder with front clear pocket
4 plastic Folders, w/prongs & pockets (1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow 1 green)
2 pair of earbuds or headphones
Mrs. Nabor’s Class
6 Plastic Folders, W/Prongs and Pockets (1 Red, 1 Purple, 1 Green, 1 Yellow, 1 Blue, 1 Orange)
2 wide rule 1 subject Spiral Notebooks
24 Yellow Pre-sharpened #2 Pencils
2 12 ct. Crayola Colored Pencils
3 Large Glue Sticks
1 Pair Fiskars Scissors
1 Pkg. pencil top erasers
1 hard pencil box
8 fine tip, black, dry erase markers
4 lg. chisel tip, black dry erase markers
1- 1” or 1½” white D-ring binder
1- 1” or 1½” blue D-ring binder
1 pair earbuds (to be use with chromebooks)
Mrs. Marsh, Gifted Students
Grades K-2: 1 three prong folder
Grades 3-6: 1-Three Prong Folder and 1 Composition Book
Orientation: August, 9th
9am-9:45am-Grades: 6th, 3rd, 1st
10am-10:45am-Grades: 5th, 4th, 2nd
First Day of School is August 13, 2024
Kindergarten staggered start dates:
August 13th if 6 years old by Jan. 31, 2025
August 14th if 6 years old after Jan. 31, 2025
School Hours 8:20 AM - 2:32 PM
Students may enter campus at 7:50AM
Dismissal starts at 2:25PM