School Supply List
Kindergarten | First Grade | Second Grade | Third Grade | Fourth Grade | Fifth Grade | Sixth Grade |
1 (8ct. box) Crayola Crayons 3 (24 ct. boxes) Crayola Crayons 24 ct. Sharpened #2 Pencils (Ticonderoga preferred) 2 rectangular pink erasers 12 Expo markers, All Black fine tip (thin ones) 12 small glue sticks (Elmer’s purple works best) 1 pair Fiskers scissors 1 plastic pencil box (regular size, no zippers) 2 (4oz) cans play-doh any color 1 Headphones (no earbuds or rechargeable) 1 (12ct) colored pencils 1 ream white copy paper 1 pk neon multi colored cardstock 1 pk pastel multi colored cardstock 1 primary journal (creative story tablet for writing) 1 composition book (wide ruled) 2 plastic folders w/3 prongs & pockets (red & blue) 1 zippered pencil pouch w/ grommets (clear view window) 2 boxes tissues 1 baby wipes (not refillable) 1 disinfectant wipes 1 hand sanitizer 1 rolls of paper towels (select a size) Wish List White paper plates (the cheap ones) Page protectors Colored copy paper Baggies (gallon, quart, square snack) Pre- Kindergarten 1 Kinder Mat 1 Regular Size Backpack 1 Box Kleenex Teacher will provide an additional list. | 6 Elmer’s Glue Sticks 1 bottle of Elmer’s Glue 2 Pink Pearl Erasers 4 packs of 24 crayons 3 plastic folders with pockets and prongs (red, blue, and green) 1 clear plastic pencil box (labeled with child’s name) 2 pack of 12 pre-sharpened pencils 4 Dry-Erase Markers (Black) and Eraser 1 pair of child size scissors (labeled with child’s name) 1 pack of 8 Crayola Markers 1 Crayola 8 ct. Watercolor Paint Set Clorox/Lysol Wipes 1 Ream of Copy paper Standard Headphones for daily use with Chromebooks (labeled with your child’s name) Boys - colored copy paper and hand sanitizer Girls - white copy paper & hand soap Wish List Items: Tissues, Paper Towels, Colored Cardstock, Baby Wipes, Quart Size Ziploc Bags, Gallon Size Ziploc Bags | 3 Boxes 24ct Crayons 1 Plastic Folders w/prongs & pockets 6 Large Glue Sticks 60 #2 Sharpened Pencils 1 Pk Colored Pencils 1 Large zippered pencil pouch 4 Oblong Erasers 1 Pk Pencil Cap Erasers 1 spiral notebook wide ruled 1 Pair Scissors 1 Box of Kleenex 2 Pk EXPO Dry Erase Markers 1 Pk highlighters 1 ziplock bags - girls 1 Clorox wipes -boys 1 Headphones - (preferably not earbuds) Wish List Colored copy paper Paper towels Hand soap Ziplock bags (snack, sandwich, quart, gallon) | 3 Composition Books 1 Pair Scissors 8 Glue Sticks 2 Boxes Crayons 1 Box Colored Pencils 48 #2 Pencils 1 Highlighter 1 Plain Colored Folder w/Prongs 2 Pks Pencil Cap Erasers 1 Pk Low Odor Dry Erase Markers 1 Box Kleenex 1 Headphones - (preferably not earbuds) 1 Pencil pouch 2 pks low odor dry erase markers 1 ream of copy paper Please no metal water bottles. | 3 Composition Books 48 Sharpened Pencils 1-2 pk highlighters 4 pk Glue Sticks 1 Box Kleenex 4 Folders w/ prongs & pockets 1 Headphones - Required (not wireless) 1 pk Expo Marker fine point 1 Dry Erase Eraser 1 pk Colored Pencils 1 pk Pencil Cap Erasers 1 Pencil Pouch/Box 1 pk Copy Paper Scissors Wish List 1 small pk cardstock (any color) 1 Pk regular dry erase markers Hand Sanitizer | 48 #2 Sharpened Pencils 4 EXPO Dry Erase Markers (thick tip) 1 Pk Colored Pencils 1 Pair of Scissors 2 Composition Notebooks 1 Pk Highlighters (various colors) 2 1 inch 3 ring binder, with 5 dividers/ tabs 4 Pks POST-IT Notes 2 Pk of eraser caps 2 Box of Kleenex 2 Clorox Wipes 2 Hand Sanitizer 2 Headphones -(can use earbuds) No Bluetooth 1 Pk of copy paper 2 Pk of notebook paper 4 Spiral notebooks | 3 Pk Notebook Paper 6 Folders w/pockets & prongs 1 1” Binder (No Bigger) 2 Spiral Notebooks 5 Composition Notebooks 1 Pencil Pouch 1 Pk - 5 tab Dividers 72 #2 Wooden Pencils 1 Pk - 12 pens (any color) 1 pk - 12 erasable pens 2 pk - 12 color pencils 4 small pks Post -It Notes (3” x 3”) 2 Highlighters 1 pk- 4 dry erase markers Earbuds or Headphones (Required) Optional: Basic Calculator Donations: Clorox Wipes, tissues, colored paper (variety pack) |
Art Donations:
K- Crayola Crayons 24pk, 1st- Glue Sticks, 2nd- Glue Bottles, 3rd- Scissors, 4th- Copy Paper, 5th- Color Pencils, 6th- Thick and Thin Crayola Markers (All Students) Watercolors, Sharpies, Colored Construction Paper, Rulers, Tape (Masking and Scotch), Clorox Wipes, Tissues, Erasers, Baby Wipes, Dry Erase Markers, Left-Handed Scissors, Scissors for upper grades.VE Self Contained supply list will be supplied at Meet the Teacher
Orientation: Friday, August 9th
First Day of School: Tuesday, August 13, 2024