School Supplies
Pre-K | Kindergarten | 1st Grade | 2nd Grade | 3rdGrade | 4thGrade | 5thGrade | 6thGrade |
Regular Size Backpack (No rolling or mini backpacks) | 3 - Reams of white computer paper (1 FOR ART) | 1 -Pair of thick, sturdy headphones (no earbuds) | 1 - supply box | 2 -Reams of copy paper | 2- Reams of white copy paper | No Trapper Keepers or Rolling Backpacks | 2 - Reams of copy paper |
1- Box of Ziploc Bags with zipper (any size) | 1 - Box of sharpened Ticonderoga big primary pencils with erasers and 1 box of pre-sharpened #2 pencils | 1 – Pair of Fiskar scissors | 2 -Black & White wide-ruled Composition books | 2 - Black & White Composition books | 1 - pack of cap erasers | 1- Pair of headphones | 1 - 2” Binder |
2 -Big packs of diaper wipes | 4 -Boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons | 1 - Ream of copy paper | 4 -Packs of 24 count crayons | 1- Pair of Fiskar scissors | 1 -Package of Dry Erase Markers | 2 - Packages of 24 count pencils | 1 pack of binder dividers |
3 - Big Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (Clorox Brand) | 1 - Pair of student scissors | 1 - Pack of large glue sticks | 1- Pair of scissors | 1- Set of earbuds or headphones | 2-Boxes of #2 yellow pencils | 3 - Spiral single notebooks | 24 - #2 pencils – sharpened |
1 - Pack of paper plates or paper bowls | 1 - Package of SKINNY tip dry erase markers | 12 Expo skinny tip dry erase markers | 6 - Large glue sticks (2 for Art) | 1 - Quart Ziplock Bags (FOR ART) | 1- Box of Tissues | 2 - Packs of Pencil Cap Erasers | 1- Pair of earbuds |
2 - boxes of Kleenex tissue | 1- Set of headphones (no earbuds please) These often break in the year, please be prepared to purchase a new pair if needed. | 2 - Box of Crayola colored pencils ( 1 FOR ART) | 24- #2 pencils – sharpened (Ticonderoga Brand) | 8 - Pack Expo dry erase markers (black) | 1 - Black SHARPIES (FOR ART) | 3- Pocket folders with brads | 1 – Pencil Pouch 1- 4 function calculator |
3 - or more Large Elmer glue sticks | 6 - 8 Small Glue sticks | 1 pack of Ticonderoga pencils | 2 -Reams of copy paper | 1 -Package cap erasers | 1 - Pair of earbuds/headphones | 1 - Pack of highlighters (multi-colored) | 2 - Package of glue sticks |
1- Personal small water bottle (no spill lid) | 1 - Non rolling backpack | 1 box of kleenex | 2 – 4 pack of Expo dry erase markers | 1- Box of tissues | 2 - wide-ruled composition book | 1 - Package of Black Sharpies (FOR ART) | 4 - one subject spiral notebooks 1 - Composition book |
1 -Gallon Ziplock Bags (FOR ART) | 1 - Complete change of clothes (shirt, shorts, underwear and socks - to be left as school | 2 - Box of Crayola Crayons | GIRLS - Germ X/hand soap & sandwich ziplock bags BOY - Gallon size ziplock bags & Lysol Wipes/Spray | 1 - Package of glue sticks | 2 - plastic folder with prongs and pockets (any color) | 1- Ream of copy paper | 1 - Box of colored pencils |
1 - Complete change of clothes (shirt, shorts, underwear and socks - to be left as school) | Optional: 1 box of tissues, 1 container of Clorox wipes, 1 can of Lysol disinfectant spray | GIRLS - Hand sanitizer & sandwich ziplock bags BOY - Gallon size ziplock bags & Lysol Wipes | 2 - Pair of headphones (no earbuds) | 1 - Large fabric pencil pouch | 1 - folder with pockets (any color) | 1- Soft pencil pouch (no boxes) | 2 - Boxes of fine point Expo Markers |
Full Day PK ONLY – Kindergarten Nap Mat & Small Blanket | 1 - Box of Kleenex | 1 - box of 24 count crayons | 1 - 2in 3 Ring Binder with pockets (except Borum) | 1 - pack of scissors | |||
1 - 4 Pack of Highlighters | 2 - packs of #2 Ticonderoga pencils (preferably pre-sharpened) | 1 - Pack of page divider tabs (except Borum) | 1 - Package of THIN Black Sharpies (FOR ART) | ||||
2 - Pack of Pink Erasers (no cap erasers) | Lysol wipes and Tissue greatly appreciated | Boys - Lysol Wipes Girls - Tissue/Hand sanitizer |