School Activities

DBT Skills After-School Program

Hand shake


DBT Parent Permission Form

Grades 5 and 6

Art Club is an opportunity for our students to continue to develop and hone their art skills. Many of the works created during Art Club are submitted to competitions and displayed in and around the community.

Sponsor(s): Mrs. Senters

Room 807

Session Dates

Mondays after school-10/7, 10/21, 10/28, 11/18, 12/2, and 12/9

Robotics Club



Robotics Parent Permission Form

Grades 4th, 5th, 6th

Dance Club is an opportunity for our students to continue to develop and hone their dance skills. Our Dance Club students have several opportunities to perform in and around the community.

Sponsors(s): Ms. Moreland Mrs. Hanlin

Room Portable 837 Lego Lab

Dues $20-$25

Session Dates

October 2nd through Dec 19th (Every Wed and Thurs)

Safety Patrol

Students crossing the street along with a man holding a stop signal


Safety Patrol Permission Form

The Safety Patrol is a group of student volunteers that help the staff, faculty, and community at Doctors Inlet by monitoring students during arrival and dismissal times. They also help during special events as needed, such as at orientation to direct parents and hand out maps.  Safety patrol members also serve as role models.  

Sponsors(s): Megan Phornsavanh, Xiomara Nieves

Safety Patrol Posts are throughout the school campus

Session Dates

Each day that school is in session, beginning on the first day of school, and ending on the last day of school